Defendant Barron is still clubbing a defenseless seal and former client named Derrick Gillenwater:
I am sending a copy of this post on March 17, 2009 to Defendant Kevin L. Barron and his attorney Michael Cunningham, as I noted that Kevin L. Barron, charged with heroin possession and distribution in Norfolk 2008-350 and the lone remaining Defendant in the valid legal malpractice case of Gillenwater v. Denner et al., Suffolk 05-5469, has in my opinion deliberately and intentionally lied to the Court in violation of Rule 3.3 Candor toward the Tribunal. How did he do that? by getting a continuance on Summary Judgement for settlement purposes, then refusing to make a settlement counter-offer.
FACT: On March 10, 2009 Barron, by and through Attorney Michael Cunningham wrote:
"1. The defendants respectfully assert that there is good cause to allow this motion to enlarge the tracking order deadlines. See Superior Court Standing Order No. 1-88(D)(1)(amendments to tracking orders will be granted for “good cause shown”). As set forth above, parties are engaged in ongoing attempts to resolve this case prior to the service of defendants’ motions for summary judgment. "
FACT: But it is now March 17 and no settlement offer. This is yet another in a long line of abuses suffered by Plaintiff Gillenwater as the Court has continually treated this young black man as legal pariah, all because he has the stones to sue his high-powered, wealthy white attorneys. In my opinion, it is not conduct becoming of a licensed attorney(s) and it needs to be reviewed in conjunction with his adjudicated "Ineffective Assistance of Counsel," by Judge Diane Moriarty as noted in my very first post.
Note that it was yet another "emergency motion" that was rewarded with an "emergency ORDER" but that the Court STILL HAS NOT MOVED on Plaintiff Gillenwater's goddamn "emergency motion" to have his basic First Amendment and Fundamental Rights restored to even file pleadings!
There are a set of attorneys reviewing this matter, and when they spring into action I wish them all of the luck in the World to get this thing straightened out as I prepare to pummel these guys with opt-in emails, demonstrations at CLE seminars, law school fliers and whatever else it takes to expose this legally and morally corrupt activity.
Remember, Derrick Gillenwater still does not even know the name of the insurance carrier, 6 months after asking, and the Court knows all about it and does not care, just as the Court has now failed to address the (admittedly vague) ORDER from the Court of Appeals to take further action on Plaintiff's request to file basic pleadings -- which was taken from him even though there has been no finding that he filed anything that was frivolous. Somehow I feel that there is at least one bag man involved in this.

The nerve of these guys.
The shame of the Court.
Boston Bob
Remember, this is all on Defendant Barron: Defendant Denner didn't need any continuance. He and Mr. Gillenwater had already reached an agreement so Barron and Cunningham can't run that game.
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The white boy ain't going to pay Buckshot.
We'll see about that.
Some people said the same for Defendant Denner and he paid and this guy is the guy who actually screwed things up.
Meantime I'll be certain to make sure everyone knows about issues I believe are important.
Eventually he will have to face the music; it's a really really bad song.
And that white boy is free to go to trial if he wants to, but what he is NOT free to do is to lie about why he needs an extension of time to file for summary judgment based on settlement negotiations that he refuses to engage in.
That's unethical.
Please attorney barron
Settle your case with Buckshot.
It is due time.
Clark Crockduce
How much did Mr. Denner settle for ?
I hope it was 100K.
Let both of them spend some time in prision.
5:57 and 12:28
It is OVERDUE time.
Especially after getting a continuance based on settlement when you've made no attempt to settle. It's really a trip. A sad, sad, trip.
I don't know about jail and stuff (except for what may happen to Barron) but I do know that someone named Elizabeth Ann Rawnsley wrote me and has some very interesting observations that I may look in to.
Boston Bob
Barron looks like an undertaker in that chair.
Watch out for the snake.
12:01 - Jill,
Snake? Did you say, snake?
How on point.
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