-Bob from Boston.
Here is the Unconstitutional Court Order.
--- On Tue, 12/2/08, Blogger Help
From: Blogger Help
Subject: Re: [#371356298] Blog removed per court order
To: opencourts@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 7:37 PM
Thank you for letting us know. We will relay this to Mr. Denner and have
restored your blog.
The Blogger Team
Original Message Follows:
From: Boston Bob
Subject: Re: [#371356298] Blog removed per court order
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 10:29:20 -0800 (PST)
The problem is, I'm not Derrick Gillenwater, nor do I operate under his
I am an independent anonymous person.
Please repost my blog immediately.
Thank you.
--- On Mon, 12/1/08, Blogger Help
From: Blogger Help
Subject: [#371356298] Blog removed per court order
To: opencourts@yahoo.com
Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 9:51 PM
We'd like to inform you that we've received a court order regarding your blog http://dennerlaw.blogspot.com. In accordance with the terms of the court order, we've been forced to remove your blog. A copy of the court order we received is attached.
Thank you for your understanding.
The Blogger Team
The Court won't allow Plaintiff Gillenwater to file his Motion for Summary Judgment that starts like this:
Summary Judgment means that it is obvious to a Judge that the Jury would only vote one way, in my favor, after looking at all of the relevant facts. Rule 56. Expert witnesses are not necessary to prove Summary Judgment but in my case expert witness Judge Diane Moriarty already ruled in granting me a New Trial that Defendants Denner and Barron
“Denied the Defendant his right to effective assistance of counsel,” and “Commonwealth’s argument that these failures by counsel are tactical choices is without merit,” and “Therefore Motion for New Trial due to ineffective assistance of counsel is allowed.”
Her Honor also stated:
“The Court finds that due to Attorney Barron’s inattention to the Motion to Suppress both by way of law and argument and not obtaining transcripts or even ordering transcripts of the hearing such inefficiency and behavior falls measurably below what is acceptable.”
Order granting New Trial, June 13, 2003. Attachment 1.
Jeffrey Denner saved my life and he is truly an amazing person who continues to do great things. I don't care who you are but you apparently don't know anything about Mr. Denner.
Dear 8:26
I had a very high regard for Jeffrey Denner and still do in some ways.
That doesn't make him perfect, and when he makes mistakes he needs to pay for them and he shouldn't get Judges to go along with him to the extent that they violate basic principles of fair play, Due Process, First Amendment, you know
-Boston Bob
BOSTON BOB IS USING GILLENWATER TO FURTHER HIS OWN AGENDA. Boston Bob is on an ego trip and is using Gillenwater's plight to attack Denner. Gillenwater has the right to move on and get beyond this debacle. Boston Bob will not allow him to do this. Yes, of course, there was a bona fide interest in helping Gillenwater at first....I believe....and hope....this is true. It is no longer the case. Gillenwater needs to address this with Boston Bob. Boston Bob is not helping him any longer. it is so unfair that Mr. Gillenwater has to be used this way. Gillenwater will never move on with his life as long as Boston Bob continues to use him.
That's funny, I was hanging out with Derrick Gillenwater two days ago, he has no concerns about what you say.
In fact, we're supposed to hang out again soon.
The agenda is JUSTICE.
And oh, where were YOU when Derrick was getting his Civil Rights taken away?
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