This entry "Biggest lawyer in Boston, Jeffrey Denner, is in Big Trouble on criminal malpractice case" is now on the second page for Google when running "Jeffrey Denner" as a word search, so now anyone researching Attorney Denner can become more informed about actual court cases.
Such as the ongoing case of Clark Rockefeller; read about him "going to get a turkey sandwich" in this Vanity Fair story from last summer. I believe that is the back of Mr. Rockefeller's head in the picture from my last post.
Let's hope he does better for Mr. Rockefeller or whatever his name is (Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter) than he did with Kevin Barron for Derrick Gillenwater ("ineffective assistance of counsel") or with Richard D. Abbott for Oscar Atehortua (failed to file an appeal for a jailed man as Denner shed himself of the case).
This blog is kind of like Kryptonite to Superlawyer Denner, a man whom I generally respect.
But as with any radioactive isotope its effects will wane over the course of time after I take it down when I call the court and discover that the case has been dismissed voluntarily by Plaintiff Gillenwater.
-Boston Bob.
BOSTON - Lawyers for a kidnapping suspect who calls himself Clark Rockefeller demanded Tuesday to see a sealed affidavit filed by California authorities who say he is a "person of interest" in the 1980s disappearance and presumed slayings of a couple there.
"Clark Rockefeller" was charged with kidnapping his 7-year-old daughter during a supervised visit in Boston in July. After his arrest in Baltimore in August, he was identified as Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter, a German national who lived under various aliases after arriving in the United States in 1978.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office has labeled Gerhartsreiter a "person of interest" in the 1985 disappearance of Jonathan and Linda Sohus. Gerhartsreiter, who at the time called himself Christopher Chichester, rented a guesthouse at the home of Jonathan Sohus' mother in San Marino, a wealthy Los Angeles suburb......
....Deakin would not describe specifically what is contained in the affidavit, but said the 18-page document "sets out exclusively information about the California investigation." He called Gerhartsreiter a "person of significant interest" in the case and the "presumed double homicide."
Nine years after the couple disappeared, workers building a pool for the new owners of the San Marino home unearthed a man's bones that remain unidentified. Investigators did new DNA testing on the bones after Gerhartsreiter's arrest but have not released details.
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