Fact: Derrick Gillenwater is suffering under Unconstitutional Court rulings and a very powerful attorney trying to defend a well-pled legal malpractice case, but he will testify Under Oath that prominent, wealthy Boston Attorney Jeffrey Denner looked him right in the eye weeks before any of Diane Wilkerson's alleged criminal activity took place -- but well after he was aware of Mr. Gillenwater's 2005 legal malpractice lawsuit against him and Kevin Barron -- and said:
"Who's gonna' help you kid? Diane Wilkerson? I've already got her on tape."
Anybody think Mr. Gillenwater is lying? I don't. But the question is who the hell is Jeffrey Denner to say something like that? How much power does this guy really have? He acts like he owns the World. So it's no wonder Jeffrey Denner looks so smug in the "I'm not a racist" post. He may not be a racist but he sure is a power monger who hates to admit he's wrong, and he gets judges in his pocket to do whatever he wants, Unconstitutional or not. Wait for me to post the ridiculous transcript from Judge Linda Giles' courtroom tomorrow. Update, here it is. Mr. Gillenwater and a law student dropped a copy with City Council this afternoon. Here is the last ridiculous transcript from Judge Spurlock.
I'll say this: Councilor Yancey and Yoon and soon the entire City Council and Mayoral Candidates will be reviewing this matter at the behest of a certain local pastor. Now let's see how smug Mr. Denner and the Court system are in light of the liner notes and the transcript I'm reading right now. Here are the liner notes on the overleaf, and here are the links to Derrick Gillenwater's wonderful music and video, Including a song about this very situation.
In the overleaf you will see why I hope Mr. Gillenwater gets Justice and his pound of flesh.
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Derrick Gillenwater is "Da Mack," and Da Mack.... is back!
A friend and colleague to thousands in Boston's music community and community at large, 35 year-old Derrick Gillenwater steps out of his role as record producer to cut some tracks of his own, with profound results.
Gillenwater hails from a family rich with the echoes of Motown ringing in their ears, as his grandfather was on a first name basis with Motown luminaries including Berry Gordy, Quincy Jones, Diana Ross and more. As a young child "The Mack" remembers sitting down to dinner with people like that, and it encouraged him to build his craft.
Along the way he has suffered some setbacks. He got shot. He ran drugs briefly before settling down. But worst of all was the set of facts that led to the title song, with reflects on the Boston Police manufacturing evidence and his lawyers failing him so badly that he had to get a new lawyer on appeal to set things right and get out of jail: A judge found that Attorney Kevin Barron, working through Jeffrey Denner, committed ineffective assistance of counsel. He spent his lifetime savings on the case, $50,000 to Denner and $15,000 to Attorney Kevin Nixon to fix things.
"Jeffrey Denner may be Boston's highest-paid Personal Injury and Criminal Defense lawyer, and he settled two huge cases on the Big Dig, but I sure didn't get my money's worth," says Gillenwater. "Then he tried to shut down someone's blog about this case, then he got my blog shut down when I was trying to reach out for help, and all of the wealthy white judges in Boston went along with him getting my free speech and First Amendment Rights taken away. Then they got it to where I couldn't file any legal pleadings at all, and Judge Linda Giles even refused to give me a transcript of a nasty court hearing where she showed how prejudiced she really is."
Gillenwater gave them the weekend to reconsider their positions and stated "because once I go, I'm gone, and so is your opportunity to gain from my referrals. While you all sat there on your hands hating on me you've already missed 838 opportunities to have your law firm's logo or positive notes on the MySpace."
"That tells me you're not in this for common sense or decency, you're in it to screw me. Look at how much business I could have sent your way already, out of appreciation for you all doing the right thing and paying me for your mistakes.
Monday at 2:00 pm I'm going to release the liner notes and the chips fall where they may."
The case lingers on as the Defendants refuse to bring in a real mediator to discuss settlement, even though law students have been helping Mr. Gillenwater and they showed him that in Massachusetts ineffective assistance of counsel and legal malpractice are virtually the same thing. Harvard Law School's Berkman Center has a "Citizen Media Law Project" blog that has ridiculed the Court's decisions as "Unconstitutional" and an anonymous blogger named "Boston Bob" has signed on to offer his ongoing opinions at a blog called "Jeffrey Denner's Ineffective Assistance of Counsel."
For what it's worth, I hope Mr. Gillenwater gets Justice and his pound of flesh.
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