Whether Jeffrey Denner had any input on the proposed Turner gag order as he claims to have had input on the Diane Wilkerson prosecution is yet to be seen. Read this post.
To see Judge Diane Moriarty's original decision finding ineffective assistance of counsel for several reasons read this post.
To see the Jeffrey Denner/Richard Abbott scandal that took Abbott's license to practice law for 2+ years because of ineffective assistance of counsel and lying to the BBO read this post.
To see Mr. Gillenwater's music page with activist video on this, and to see the Gillenwater gag order explained in one page of recent court transcript, read this post.
To see Mr. Gillenwater's liner notes read this post.
To see that Harvard Law School's Citizen Media Project considers the Denner-requested gag order on Derrick Gillenwater, preventing him from simply posting public information and blogging IN A CIVIL CASE Unconstitutional read their blog, specifically the last link on this main page.
Get this:
“This is not a gag order,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney John McNeil.
McNeil said the protective order he is seeking would simply prevent information the government releases to Turner’s lawyers from becoming public before trial.
Huh? What? To read similarly-insipid comments from Judges in Mr. Gillenwater's well-grounded legal malpractice case against prominent, wealthy and white Boston Attorney Jeffrey Denner read the November, 2008 transcript from Judge Spurlock.
Then read the January, 2009 transcript from Judge Giles.
Then cry about how pathetic this Country has become. I guess a black man in Boston can't speak his mind when it comes down to facing a powerful, largely white establishment. Remember how they treated allblackmen in the Carol Stuart murder "investigation."
And look at the racist comments in both of the Chuck Turner stories as linked above. Here's a good one:
You would need a watermelon and a roll of duct tape to keep that huge mouth quiet. Can't they just sentence this clown and get it over with so he can start right letter from prison?
Watermelon, huh. How original. Dean Grose, a hater Mayor in Los Alamitos California just lost his job for that. Can't they just lock you up and sentence your stupid hateful ass for being a racist clown bigot?
By the way, the case the ACLU should be running is State v. Carmichael, 326 F.Supp.2d 1267 (M.D.Ala. 2004).
Boston has a sickness.
Admitting it is the first step to recovery.
-Boston Bob
Yep. We've got this one all figured out.
Counselor Cunningham, how long do you and your insurance company plan on hanging on to this one? And just who is that insurance company; you haven't provided that information to Mr. Gillenwater yet, in complete violation of THE LAW.
What I told Attorneys Denner, Pellegrino and Cunningham:
Until it's over I'll be on this case like white on rice.
[Deleted paragraph]
-Boston Bob
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